Gabby Whitaker from Mom Makes Joy

Gabby Whitaker from Mom Makes Joy

I have been a type A personality list-maker for a long, long time. I know a good planner when I see one. So when I had the opportunity to test drive Cami's new goal planner, I was SO excited! It was exactly what I needed. You see, at the beginning of the year, I had made a pretty lengthy list of goals I wanted to reach. But three months later I found I wasn't working through them quite like I'd hoped. I had crossed off maybe one or two at best. The problem was that my goal list was just that: only a list. You know that saying, a goal without a plan is just a wish? Well my goal list was really just a wish list. I needed something more, and Cami's goal planner saved the day. It helps you break down goals in different areas of your life, and then break those goals into actionable steps for the year, month and week. Cami truly thought of everything, and her planning pages are cute while still going easy on your printer ink. And the best part? She made the planning a reflective experience, not just another series of spaces to create lists. There's lots of room to make these pages into your own diary of personal growth. 10/10 from me! Thank you Cami!!

TCN Design Studio Digital Products
I have been a type A personality list-maker for a long, long time. I know a good planner when I see one. So when I had the opportunity to test drive Cami's new goal planner, I was SO excited! It was exactly what I needed. You see, at the beginning of the year, I had made a pretty lengthy list of goals I wanted to reach. But three months later I found I wasn't working through them quite like I'd hoped. I had crossed off maybe one or two at best. The problem was that my goal list was just that: only a list. You know that saying, a goal without a plan is just a wish? Well my goal list was really just a wish list. I needed something more, and Cami's goal planner saved the day. It helps you break down goals in different areas of your life, and then break those goals into actionable steps for the year, month and week. Cami truly thought of everything, and her planning pages are cute while still going easy on your printer ink. And the best part? She made the planning a reflective experience, not just another series of spaces to create lists. There's lots of room to make these pages into your own diary of personal growth. 10/10 from me! Thank you Cami!!