Ready to start making money blogging?

Blogging can seem so easy at the beginning. And in a way it kind of is.

You gather all the pieces together, you found a platform, came up with a fun name, got your domain name, a cute web template, and hit live.

You start writing about your favorite things and publish your brand new blog posts waiting for the visitors to start coming in…

A few weeks and months go by and nothing changes… no growth, no traffic, no nothing… at least not enough.

Here’s the missing piece most bloggers don’t realize soon in their journeys:

Deciding whether the blog is for a hobby or a business!

When you blog as a business the way you create content and build your system should be very different than when blogging just as a hobby!

If you are here, my guess is that you want to make money blogging, and I’m so glad you came!

Tell me if any of the following sounds like you:

– You want to start a profitable blog but have no idea where to start.

– You started a blog but you’re struggling to get it off the ground.

– You spend a lot of time creating and writing but you have no idea how and why you’re not growing traffic. 

– You think SEO is overwhelming and don’t know where to begin or how to start implementing SEO or keyword research. 

– You definitely want to make money blogging, but you have no idea which monetization strategies you should go for or if they will even work for you.

– You thought it would be easy, but you feel you do all the things but you’re getting nowhere. 

You know it’s possible…

After all, if so many other bloggers make a living out of it, why wouldn’t you?

You have probably read a gazillion blog posts about bloggers’ successful stories, purchased ebooks, and maybe even courses but you still feel like you need something more…

Maybe, like me back when I started, you wish there was someone to guide you and tell you what to do, how, and when in order to succeed.

Maybe, you want someone to hold your hand and be your mentor…

I would be thrilled to be your mentor

But, who am I? I am Camila, a graduated graphic designer, a full-time lifestyle blogger, and a web designer for creative bloggers. I started my blog over 12 years ago having no idea what I was doing and I’ve done all the things, all the wrong ones too.

I have grown my blog, and it has been in the highest and in the lowest. I’ve tweaked, learned new things, I’ve made many mistakes, and I have collected many experiences along the way.

It took me a long while to find out what worked for me. You don’t need to do the same. Let’s put our heads together and analyze your blog so I can tell you what are the areas of opportunities, and show you what strategies could have better results.

I’ll show you ways you can improve your website and attract the right audience and guide you through the process and strategies you could implement to monetize it.

Photo of myself sitting on the couch

Here’s what you can learn with me:

  • I’ll show you how to make your website more user-friendly and organized so that your audience knows exactly what your blog is about and can navigate it more easily.
  • I’ll teach you how to make the most out of your WordPress website using the right plugins and tools to improve your productivity.
  • I’ll show you the best practices when it comes to images, blog post structures, and what not to do.
  • You will learn how to improve your search engine optimization so that you will never run out of blog post ideas.
  • You’ll get an in-depth look at monetization strategy, so you’ll know what strategies to use and when to move from active to passive income.
  • You will develop a clear understanding of email marketing and sales funnels so that you can build a loyal audience that keeps returning to your blog.
  • You will learn how to create a good blog content plan and how to be consistent so that you can grow more rapidly.
  • You can think of me as your accountability partner!

Blogging Coaching

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If you are not sure exactly what you need don’t worry, just fill in the form and choose that option in the drop-down menu and we can chat!

Your information is never shared or sold with other parties, the email, website, and bio info submitted in this form is exclusively for communication purposes regarding the project in question.

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Looking forward to talking to you soon!